Aug 28, 2024

Banking and Blockchain

 Use of Banks in the Adoption of Blockchain Technology

Well, banks are beginning to use blockchain technology as they realize the scale of transformation it can bring into the banking industry. In this post, I am going to provide you with some insights into it:

Major Interest & Investment: Overkill with the banks where a significant amount of investment has been made on using blockchain technology by over half of them. Over 95% of financial institutions plan to invest in blockchain or distributed ledger technology, indicating more than simply curiosity about the measures.


Major Banks and Use Cases: Some big banks like HSBC are reviewing blockchain for use cases such as Supply Chain Finance or Digital Identity Verification

. It is a part of the larger strategic vision to leverage blockchain advantages including transparency, security and operational efficiency.

Central Bank Projects: We must also comment on the fact that Central banks are seeking action through other channels such as blockchain technology. The Bank of England, for instance, has considered how blockchain could improve real-time gross settlement systems — a signal that central banks are seriously considering whether the technology can benefit them.


Challenges and Legal Frameworks: Although highly enthusiastic, the banks face a set of challenges in respect to already existing regulatory environments and technological limitations. More streamlined regulation for blockchain in mainstream banking

Worldwide Acceptance: If countries in the world have accepted blockchain technology. For example, in China alone over half (12 out of 26) publicly listed banks have already deployed blockchain for a mix of different use cases.


The bottomline is that banks are moving quickly to adopt blockchain technology since it offers security, speed, and accountability advantages. Yet, regulatory issues and technological challenges will continue to dog its legacy.

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